Living in GRACE with Julie - respect, courage, and career growth
Continuing the student series from GRACE course, I speak with Julie and we discuss respect and courage, alongside recent journeys in career growth. If you are just following us now, welcome and we invite you to listen to the previous episode and episode 40 to hear the background on GRACE, what it stands for and how you can live your best life now!
(1) GRACE in career growth
(2) If you don’t ask, you don’t get
(3) learn, connect concepts, and make it your own
Living Your Best Life with GRACE - click to visit the course website to learn more about enrollment. Cohort 3 starts April 11th, 2022!
Intro and Outro music: Dreamer by Noah Smith
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Intro: Hi listeners. This is Evonne and you’re tuned into Million Ways to Shine. I'm continuing my discussion with other students of the GRACE course to share our journeys and our growth. In this episode, Julie and I talk about respect and courage in the workplace and career growth. I hope you enjoy our conversation!
Evonne: It is my pleasure to have Julie Vi on this podcast today. And we are here because we are students of a GRACE course. And we're here to just chat about our recent journeys and everything that's happened in the past.
And what led me to that course. Um, I was saying to Julie right before we started recording that I was just really surprised when I was taking the course, after all the courses I had taken. It's just, my mindset is different than I expected. I was resistant to starting the course at first, since I usually take a lot of courses as a serial course taker.
And so I didn't really know what to expect from the course. And Julie, I would love to hear more about you and your journey and what led you to GRACE and your life changes.
Julie: So, I mean, definitely, uh, it's really nice meeting you by the way. And as I had said earlier, you just look so beautiful in that beautiful red lipstick. I was actually referred to this course by a friend. So, Lucy had reached out to me and said, Julie, I would love for you to participate, in this course, would you consider doing it? And I knew that she had reached out to another mutual friend of ours, uh, and asked him to join as well. Um, because I've actually gone through some training, uh, in the past coaching, as you may want to put it. I knew that there could be some big values in joining, um, the grace class and meeting, um, the wonderful Dr. Anhlan.
And of course being part of something that my friend Lucy was a part of. So that was the reason why I decided to to join and to try it out. I also have been going through major changes in my life, you know, professionally, uh, well, professionally always, but personally as well. I'm always looking to really understand personal growth and how I can become a better leader.
I lead the marketing space, uh, at my company and I run all of Canada. So for me, I work for a global company now, and yet I'm very focused on the Canadian regions. At the same time, I'm a mom of two teenagers , two girls and I'm also a divorcée. And so for me, um, there was a lot of growth opportunities for me.
And although I always tell people, I had an amazing, uh, two years of coaching that was provided to all of the executives. It doesn't end coaching for me is continuous. And so that's why I joined GRACE. Um, to meet people, to hear their experiences. And then to maybe rediscover a little bit more about myself as well, uh, in a different training, in a different way.
Evonne: And what was the biggest shock to you in terms of what did you think. You couldn't change or maybe did change after the program.
Julie: I think my journey, like personally, my journey has been quite tough going through what I was going through. The grace training actually gave me some really, really good tips. Grace, you know, stands for gratitude, respect, accountability, courage, and engagement.
And so I would go through some of those keywords and journal and write out , Am I very grateful for, you know, all, all the things that I am very happy about regardless of what I was going through in my life, the hardships, right. Being, being an immigrant, coming here with my family as a young child with nothing , being part of the original like boat people.
Through all that hardship, knowing that I always had to pay for my own university, make my own journey in my career. I was still very and not having, you know, I would say I never had Red Tab jeans [Levi's]. My first Red Tab jeans was actually used, that I bought in Kensington market long time ago.
Yup. And I cut them into stores and I actually started a trend because back then, no one's ever cut off jean shorts and there were them into shorts. And this is, this is a long time ago. Um, you know, and so I, I always say. Life as an opportunity to do things differently. The road less traveled as you may want to call it.
So for me, when I took the course and it ended the biggest takeaway was that I'm not alone. I, there were so many people that I connected with that I became friends after the course. And, and then also when my friendships that, uh, Lucy, for example, although she's a friend of mine, I've only met Lucy once. And I met Lucy once, um, at a charity event, actually, funny enough. After that we actually became really good friends, even though it was virtual and then COVID happened, we haven't been able to get together. Um, but some of my new friends, friendships have really, it's been really nice.
You know, Mai is another person that I have connected and we're just, you know, resonated and our journey and what we hope for, for our family and our career. So the biggest takeaway is that I'm not alone, that I am in this fight together with many other people, uh, where sometimes life is difficult.
The journey is difficult, but we, we're going to be all. Okay. Especially if we practice the GRACE teachings, and look at the different ways to improve our communication, to improve our empathy, to be more vulnerable, not with just at work, but with our children and our partners and our friends. Um, and at the same time to have courage to say, this is not really for me, you know, and let it go and not really have too, too many expectations on yourself or on others. And it's okay to let things go and to take chances. So after I left, my career, took a different path. I had courage to let it go with things that just wasn't working for me. Professionally, I knew what I wanted in my next career choice. And it was a company that just shared the same core values. People culture is super important for me and I wanted, I was looking for leaders across the board, not just the CEO of the company, not just my manager, but every team member that I'm going to be touching. I want it to meet them all. And I wanted to see if it was the right fit. And so, you know, I just wanted to make sure that they also, although may not have gone through the training with grace, that they recognize the difference aspects of GRACE. Respect is a big one, you know, and if the respect is there, Um, then everyone will try their very best to achieve the similar goals. And then to have respect for each other so that we can grow and achieve together.
So that was the big one is I did a huge career change and I moved out of a space that wasn't the right fit for me. Different opportunities came knocking. And then now I've landed. I would say a role and at a company that I am extremely proud to be part of. That's not just a honeymoon phase, but I believe that it's something that I'm going to do very well in and I have a supportive team.
Uh, so yeah, so that's a very big change for me. After I left grace, was that career move.
Evonne: Wow. Oh, that's such a great testimony, especially because for, for me, um, I definitely believe in divine timing and divine connections. It sounds like you were also ready too, we're ready to listen, ready to embody a lot of the principles and very willing to practice. Cause inside you probably knew that you've been wanting to do this career change.
I'm guessing for a while. It wasn't just randomly overnight happening. You just wanted all the practices to be able to put everything in place so that you can have that courage. Because for me, leaving a job is scary or making different moves, right?
Julie: Oh, Yeah.
And you know, it's funny that you say that being, someone who's not in her twenties, not in her thirties, right. Where that generation is classified as the millennials, the group that will not put up with pigeonholed into doing something that they're not happy to do. Um, they will not be satisfied being in a role for 10 years and, staying in one title. Whereas my generation, way back when, we literally could be a specialist for five years and be okay with a 1% raise, if we get lucky.
I've been doing marketing for 21 years. It's been a long time, Um, that I would be looking for, uh, opportunities where I feel safe and I can do it for another five to 10 years before I retire. But no, actually the world is our oyster. You don't have to be a millennial to be at a role, in a job that's maybe not the right fit for you. And then move around even at my age and you know, the time in my career, I can make that statement too, and I can make it happen. I don't have to settle, and my own happiness is number one. Because if I'm not going to be happy, everyone else around me is gonna be affected, right? And so I have to take accountability for my own actions, my own choices, and that's what I did.
Listen. It wasn't because I finished GRACE, and then BAM. I'm like, okay. I was with a job for five years. I'm on unhappy, I took GRACE, and then that's it. I'm going to quit. It was actually like you mentioned earlier, Evonne... it's progress. It took a couple of changes for me to realize what I really, really want.
And I just was able to make that choice very recently and very proud of that.
Evonne: Yes, you sound proud and you sound really happy, which is the ultimate goal is we're looking for that joy. Now. I'm not saying that we're not going to have happy days every single day. I wish that was the case. Um, but it's that overarching joy. Because I will also point out that part of the journey is that you do have to go through a little bit of discomfort just.
To the next step, right? if it's really scary opening your emails or in fear of rejection doing the scary energy, it's like, there is a little bit of discomfort, but remembering your why, and remember why it's so important and purposeful for you to take this next step
Julie: Oh, I love that. Yeah. Very, yes, absolutely. Um, is understanding the why. And also I think, people fall into this abyss, a little bit, you know? Um, and I can understand why. Sometimes when you're not doing very well at work or you're unhappy. It is scary, to say, you know, what, if I don't have something lined, like, you know, if you don't have something lined up the thought of leaving something That's not right for you. It is very scary when you have to pay bills, you have children, you know, um, you've got a mortgage, you've got so many responsibilities. But I think that if you work it out, you know, you, you really plan it out and you engage with your family, your friends, anyone that can help your coach and have the right cheerleaders.
That's beside you. Sometimes, maybe not every step of the way. And that's okay. You don't have to have your besties with you from start to finish. I mean, everyone's got their life to do too. But it's okay to pull from different people, um, as you need to. Right. And. Um, even like if you were to meditate or to listen to podcasts, anything to help you to give you that encouragement.
Um, that's what I felt like I needed to do in order to make that change. It has happened for me now in the past four years. A couple of changes. And I did share this with Dr. Anhlan, that taking her course has also helped me to have that courage and not have my heart palpitating anymore. Noticing how calm I am. Believing in myself and then just making that change. And then guess what the world came to me late. It opened up. My connections, all the people that I have met over the years who know my work and then hear my story and the next, you know, they said, you know what? I understand where you're coming from.
Have you thought about doing this and with open eyes and with an open heart? And sometimes the role, if you, look at titles, you'd be like, oh, wait a minute. I've been doing this. You know, 21 years, this title may not be the right fit for me. But if you see it in a bigger picture and you have the courage to ask, which is the role that I'm currently in it, you actually can transform that role.
It doesn't always have to be what's on paper. Because sometimes what is put on paper is generic and it's not the right fit for you. But have the courage to say, you know what, well, this part of the role fits, but have you thought about this? And can we do something about it?
Evonne: And you, would've never known if you had never asked or said something or trusted yourself to say something!
Julie: That's right. Yeah. I always say to my kids and also some of the younger generations in their mid, the early twenties to the mid-twenties, I always say this, if you don't ask, you don't get.
Evonne: Hm.
Julie: if you, but if you ask it has to be in a humble way.
Evonne: Yes.
Julie: Yeah.
Evonne: I think that attitude is really important. I think it's the attitude. Energy attracts other energy, right? Like energy, like attracts that are like energies, manifestation, prayer. All of that has to be at that high-level, positive vibration. Cause you want to be able to attract that type of energy or else you have a lack energy attracting other lack energy, and it never really quite get there.
So you got to meet other people at that level. And I would even argue the community that you surround yourself with. So when you were talking about how the grace community also helps uplift you too, and the friends and people that you surround yourself with, I think that's all a part of that too.
Julie: Absolutely. Yes.
Evonne: Oh, thank you so much, Julie. Is there anything that you would say to someone who's kind of on the fence, maybe on the fence of taking that course or maybe taking that next step? Not really sure if they're ready for a career move or wanting to like go seek that passion. What would that be?
Julie: For me, I think is to have your heart open for change and to have courage to just try something different and new. Because you just never know how it's going to touch you. I always say that because, people judge all the time, right? Whether they judge people or are they judged for for example, maybe a course, um, a job, whatever it is because that's human nature.
We take from our experiences and sometimes we come up with our own ideas. Um, but if you have courage to try something different and open your heart, to connecting with people and learn what, like learn, take what, what you may. And that would be my advice is not to worry about taking away something in a hundred percent. You might take away 20%. And That's the journey of growth is 20% here, at 20% there. And next, you know, you could add it up to a hundred percent.
Evonne: That's right. It’s…consistently take small steps.
Julie: Consistency.
Evonne: Consistency, even if it’s 0.5%!
Julie: that's right!
Evonne: It adds up, all adds up and pretty soon you're going to be like, I'm at the top of the mountain. How did I get here?
Julie: And the GRACE, you know, The GRACE idea. If you take it, you can then do some more deeper readings and you can then connect with the concept with other ideas and then it can become your own. That's what helped me.
Evonne: I like it. Make it your own.
Julie: Yes. Make it your own.
Evonne: Thank you, Julie. Thank you so much for sitting with me and being able to chat with me. I definitely would love to continue a conversation with you because you're a brilliant speaker and I love your energy. So thank you so much, Julie, for coming on.
Julie: Wonderful to meet you.
Evonne: You too. We'll chat soon.
Julie: Okay.
Evonne: Bye.
Outro: To learn more about the GRACE course, check out the course link and the website in the episode description or on our website. It is a seven-week course. And the next start date is on April 11th. If you love this episode, let us know what you think by leaving a review on apple podcasts, or you can reach us on our Instagram page at million ways to shine. A big, thank you to everyone who has given us a review and a shout-out. Thank you for the love. Your support means so much to us. Keep an eye out for the next episode where we discuss grace, learning when to let go, and practicing self-care. See you next time.